New York City Is Always A Good Idea

Ah, finally back in NYC! I used to go up almost every weekend because my sister lived in New York, which is probably why people thought I lived there. It felt good to be back to the bustling city that never sleeps with my friends. I was able to relax and just escape from reality for just a moment while strolling down Central Park and people watching from cool cafes. I would have to say I'm more of a country girl than a city girl, but I do love going into the city for cafes and restaurants. The highlight of my trip would have to be Bryant Park and Central Park. Although I've been there multiple times, the breezy weather made it a perfect spot to just walk around and admire the beauty surrounding the city. NYC has always been a source of inspiration for me personally and I was so happy to soak it all in for a couple of days. 


SoHo, East Village, Bryant, Park, Brooklyn, Central Park, and Bleecker St. 

Window shop
Oculus, Fifth Ave, Upper East Side, Apartment by The Line

I will have a separate post with some of my favorite eats from this trip, stay tuned!

On another note, my heart goes out to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. While Red Cross does accept donations, I have found other organizations that will help directly to those in need. South Texas Blood, Texas Food Bank, and the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund are some great organizations I have discovered. I will be keeping Texas in my prayers as well as those in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal who are facing severe flooding. 

Love, Sharon


  1. Ah you are so lucky and these photos look amazing! I have New York on my list for the fall (I hope!) because I can't imagine how beautiful it'd be in Autumn with all of the colours. Your photos are so beautiful of New York xx

    Sending light & love your way,
    My Lovelier Days

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