Summer Vibes

Happy Thursday! One more day until it's the weekend :) I've had a recent obsession with fruits (especially blueberries and strawberries) ever since I've tried to eat clean these past couple of weeks. I now start my mornings with iced green tea and fix myself breakfast with eggs and a side of fresh fruits. As you can tell fruits are everywhere on my Instagram feed these past couple of months! On a side note, Walt Disney's quote is a reminder to myself to never stop dreaming and always keep an open mind - don't stop imagining.
Stay connected: twitter // pinterest // instagram // tumblr

Love, Sharon


  1. love it! When I saw these cute straws I went and bought myself some too ^^
    I look forward to all your sweet pink posts xx


  2. sunt pretentioase cand vine vorba de cele mai multe lucruri, dar urasc oamenii care spun 'a fi fericit cu dimensiunea' care în mod clar nu sunt. deși de familie bună,ochelari de soare pentru fete, este cunoscut faptul că el a trăit rapid între New York și Paris, De fapt,lentile de contact cu model, indiferent de ce. El spune că valorile sunt modul în care ne vom hotărî conduite ca psiholog ideală sau inappropriate. precum și v&#259

  3. Love your photographs! And Walt Disney’s quote is really great! I need to place it somewhere as a reminder for myself! ;)


  4. Thank you

    Im 13 and i really want to start a blog?

  5. 、銃や馬由緒ある風が、3は馬建Liは、これら2個人に再びブリーズ、一緒に来て、「グラディウス弟子馬風が、2つの古いタイマーを見ました&#30001

  6. Ohmygosh that pineapple. ^_^ Love it!

    xo Mandy

    Mandy Leigh Blog
